Friday, September 11, 2009

Biomechanical Tattoo Work

First sitting on what will be a large biomechanical piece. This was a lot of fun. I have studied Guy Atchison's and re read it. Learned a lot from it. Can't find the book now so I guess I'll have to buy another one...Luckily I have the privilege of working with Jeff Scrivner. Jeff had his bio work done by Guy and so I have a real life example to study now. I think it really helped me lay this one out. Looking forward to the next sitting.

Family Portrait Tattoo

This is the first sitting of a family portrait. It is about 2/3's done. We'll have a second sitting in about a month and I'll finish putting in the grey tones and small details. I never get tired of doing portraits. Everyone of them is a new challenge that I enjoy.